One possibility to support the worldwide implementation of IWRM is to improve respective research and education.
This is why IWAS (International Water Research Alliance Saxony), together with the German IHP/HWRP (International Hydrological Programme of UNESCO and Hydrology and Water Resources Programme of WMO), has developed an E-learning module on IWRM that is supposed to complement classical learning options.
Since IWRM is complex and as interdisciplinarity is often missing in water management, the module interlinks lectures, i.e. thematic and geographical linkages (e.g. climate change) between the lectures appear, allowing the user to switch from one lecture to another one.
The objective was to develop a portable and stand-alone hypervideo web application. Software development and hypervideo architecture was build upon standard technology and a specified social video library called vi-two.
Contractee: International Hydrology Program / Hydrology Water Resources Program (UNESCO) in cooperation with Technische Universität Dresden and Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ / Leipzig.
The Module has been listed as on of the UN Climate Change Learning Platforms.