Yesterday Christian Bernhofer, Marco Leidel and me applied for a founding of our Massive Open Online Course about the Adoption to Climate Change and Hydrological Extrems. The course is titled „Future Climate & Water“.
Although there are more then hundred applicants we are optimistic to obtain much attention thus the topic concerns everybody around the world. Further more we are experience with open online course formats such as
Climate change is happening and it affects water resources and water availability. Therefore, the adaptation to climate change, resulting hydrological extreme events (i.e. floods and droughts) and water availability for societal tasks has to be on the political agenda. Yet, capacities are often limited, and experiences have yet to be widely shared.
This MOOC will therefore start with lectures on climate change and how this change impacts water resources, e.g. impacts on the agriculture. It is explained, how global and regional climate projections can be used for supporting decision making and thus for a robust and adaptive water management. Climate information is required for many decisions in regional and urban development and river basin management. Downscaled global circulation models provide detailed information about possible future climate conditions of small regions. In a further step, basics on hydrological extreme events will be explained and adaptive measures mitigating those events are shown (e.g. flood risk management).
See our full application at the MOOC Production Fellowship website.
Please feel free to vote for us or make a reference at facebook or twitter.