ICWRER e-learning session program

In about 40 hours ICWRER will open and only five days later our session about progressive e-learning concepts begins. The session is split in two parts. In the first part Claudia Bremer, Heribert Nacken and Claudio Caponi will focus the topic from different perspectives. In the second part a hands-on demo session takes place. Introduced by a so called madness exhibitors will show their e-learning applications and digital learning resources.

Talks on progressive e-learning concepts

08:30 am
New Media in Education: about eLearning, open educational resources and MOOCs
Author: Claudia Bremer | Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main | Frankfurt/Main | DE

09:00 am
Blended Learning and the way to Lifelong Learning
Author: Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heribert Nacken | RWTH Aachen | Aachen | DE

09:30 am
E-learning for staff of operational Hydrological Services: making it happen in the real world
Author: Claudio Caponi | World Meteorological Organization | Geneva | CH

[10:15 – 10:45 Break]

10:45 am – 12:00 am

Presentation of existing e-learning solutions for water and environmental dynamics

Moderator: Niels Seidel | Dresden University of Technology | Zittau | DE

„E-learning for staff of operational Hydrological Services“
Claudio Caponi | World Meteorological Organization | Geneva | CH

„Interactive hydrological modeling using GeoGebra worksheets“
Andy Philipp | University of Technology Dresden | Dresden | DE

„The FLOODmaster Study Program“
Marco Leidel | University of Technology Dresden | Tharandt | DE

„IWRM Education: A Hypervideo Lecture Series“
Niels Seidel | University of Technology Dresden | Zittau | DE

[Several applications]
Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heribert Nacken | RWTH Aachen | Aachen | DE

ICWRER session about progressive e-learning concepts for water and environment dynamics

At ICWRER I am going to convene my first conference session. Right now I finished the abstract to publish it with the program:

Knowledge-intensive disciplines represented at this conference  are often faced with the challenging task to transfer comprehensive and complex knowledge and competencies. One important possibility to support that task refers to the application of electronic media and ICT in education. For that instructional methods need to be applied and developed that go beyond information delivery but compromise collaborative and self-regulated learning. Furthermore courses are often not just dedicated to single audiences in a university course or institution, but widened to international participants, especially in developing countries.
In this session we are going to discuss the latest developments in e-learning concerning Open Educational Resources (OER), Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) and other new learning approaches suitable to complement classical ways of conveying knowledge. The session speakers are scholars involved in research and implementation of blended and distance learning courses.


Location: Koblenz

Date: 7th of June 2013

Chair: Niels Seidel


9:00 am
New Media in Education: eLearning, open educational resources and MOOCs
Claudia Bremer | Goethe-University | Frankfurt/Main | DE

9:30 am
Blended Learning and the way to Lifelong Learning
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Heribert Nacken | RWTH Aachen University | Aachen | DE

10:00 am
E-learning for staff of operational Hydrological Services: making it happen in the real world
Claudio Caponi | World Meteorological Organization | Geneva | CH
Bruce Stewart | World Meteorological Organization | Geneva | CH

Presentation of existing e-learning solutions for water and environmental dynamics
Niels Seidel | Technische Universität Dresden | DE
This part of the session provides a forum for e-learning practitioners and developers to demonstrate applications and course formats. Demonstrations provide a venue for hands-on experience for conference attendees and a means for researchers and attendees to interact with research prototypes and e-learning material concerning water resources and environment research.