Vortrag: Open Commons Region Dresden

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LaTeX, SVG, Screenshots: 20131013_umundu_commons.zip (10 MB)

Audioaufzeichnung: mitschnitt.mp3 (130 Minuten / 48 MB)

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VI-TWO: Javascript Framework for interactive Videos

After a couple of years of development and testing I finally managed to make VI-TWO public available as open source solution for interactive hypervideo learning environments.

VI-TWO is an modular software framework to playback and organize collections of enriched videos. It supports several annotation types such as tags or time-depended hyperlinks. It supports access and individual organisation of video-based information.

The client-side architecture allows flexible integration in other Web CMS oder Frameworks. So fare VI-TWO has been applied as extension for MediaWiki, WordPress and Drupal. The framework is highly extensible by widgets.

Main features

  • time-related annotations: table of contents, temporal tags, search
  • time-depended annoations: slides, images, maps, web-content, quizzes, hyperlinks
  • video manager to get a brief overview of a collection of videos
  • recommendations of related videos
  • playlists
  • search within metadata and extracted text of time-depended annotations

Demo: IWRM education

The first stand alone application build with VI-TWO is a interactive learning resource called IWRM education. IWRM education consists of 42 enriched university lectures. The application supports self organized learning processes by providing easy information access through categories, tags, full-text search and fosters easy browsing within the information space by offering related videos, a playlist and its main feature: hyperlinks. As a real hypervideo realization the user can follow 255 time-based semantic relations between the lectures. Try out, its Open Source and a Open Educational Resource (CC):



VI-TWO is provided under MIT license at github. The source code includes so far two demo applications.



The framework can be extended through widgets.https://github.com/nise/vi-two/